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Suicide Information

Writer's picture: ShantiShanti

Free UK Phone Numbers for when your in Crisis

Samaritans – for everyone Call 116 123 Email

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) – for men Call 0800 58 58 58 – 5pm to midnight every day Visit the webchat page

Papyrus – for people under 35

Call 0800 068 41 41 – Monday to Friday 10am to 10pm, weekends 2pm to 10pm, bank holidays 2pm to 5pm Text 07786 209697 Email

Childline – for children and young people under 19 Call 0800 1111 – the number won't show up on your phone bill

The Silver Line – for older people Call 0800 4 70 80 90

Some basic signs that are important to notice

- I would include in this;

Having little to no self care. Including brushing teeth, financial responsibility, eating habits,

Suicidal Misconseptions

People who want to die, will find a way and nothing I do or say will stop them.

Humans and other primates have mirror neurons in their brain, a variety of visuospatial cells that respond equally when we perform an action and when we witness someone else perform the same action.

Primates also use vocalizations, gestures, and facial expressions to convey psychological state.

Human communication and social skills have been fundamental in homosapian survival for a very long time (we're talking before homoerectus) and working together to solve problems, create solutions and survive during hard times.

Our brains are hard wired to pick up and store the verbal and non verbal cues of our culture and community.

We are social animals that can help each others neural patterns change through contact, communication and interaction. You are not to blame if they do commit suicide but you can't hurt them more with a hug, or talking about it or doing things together.

People who are suicidal are weak.

Why can two people have the exact same physical condition, and the pain be merely annoying to one while sheer agony for the other? Study findings show that biological, psychological, and emotional factors can all impact how similar pain is perceived by different individuals.

The spinal cord carries the 'pain' message from its receptors all the way up to the brain, where it is received by the thalamus and sent to the cerebral cortex. The mind and emotions can either moderate or intensify pain; however, chronic pain can cause hypersensitization.  Doctors know chronic pain changes the way the spinal cord, nerves, and brain process unpleasant stimuli. Past experiences, as well as trauma, can influence a person’s sensitivity and perception of pain also.

Just because you haven't felt it might just mean your pain tolerance is higher, it might also mean that you haven't been exposed to the amount of pain this person has.

Your just not trying hard enough to get better

How common is it for people to burst into loud sobbing tears in the middle of some public space, too scream, to sit down and hug themselves? When children do it they are often reprimanded or left alone until they 'behave'.

We live in a society that is extremely uncomfortable with emotional/ mental pain or grief and we are taught from a young age to embrace all positive emotions and share them willingly but to control or suppress your negative ones in case you upset someone.

How do you try to get better;

1. When your entire thought process has turned into a negative song on repeat; without talking to anyone about it and getting a different perspective?

2. You think you want to die, so the whole idea of 'trying' to get better without help and live is redundant?

3. You can't be genuine about your thoughts or feelings because they will judge you negatively for it and therefore perpetuate the negative thoughts you already have?

If you commit suicide you're going to Hell

1. The word "Hell" is a biblical staple not actually mentioned in accurate translations of the bible. It is not mentioned once in the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament.

The King James version - know to be the most inaccurate has the word 54 times. Funnily enough the Jehovah witness study bible that removed all inaccurate translations of the original scriptures doesn't have it once even in the New Testament. But on average it is mentioned 14 times in the New Testament depending on the version your reading. This compared to the following words;

  • Heaven – 644 mentions

  • Father – 944 mentions

  • Evil – 657 mentions

  • Law – 599 mentions

  • Soul – 496 mentions

  • Death – 456 mentions

  • Judgement – 344 mentions

  • Kingdom – 384 mentions

  • Forgiveness - 150 mentions

And no where does it mention God sending us down into fiery pits to be tormented.

Why, then, do you look at the straw in your brother’s eye but do not notice the rafter in your own eye?

Suicide is not common.

Suicide globally is 2 times higher than Intentional Homicide and 25 times more likely than dying from a terrorist attack.

This is all based on people who successfully kill themselves. If a person dies every 40 seconds and for every person that dies 20 will try; this changes the statistical data greatly.

So that means if WHO report roughly 1,000,000 people die each year from suicide, thats 20,000,000 that try every year; that's 54,794 every day compared to the 3,000 reported now.

Thats higher than cancer which recorded approximately 8.2 million cancer related deaths each year.

This doesn't factor in countries or cultures that refuse to report on suicide OR people that think about it but have not attempted it OR who have attempted it but it has not been reported.


To show your support please share this post with everyone because obviously its a subject people are not talking about enough. There is a lot of fear but it is a cause of death that can be greatly reduced with awareness.

And If you would like to meet and talk during my suicide prevention walk - please do get in touch either via the website

or via the social media pages; Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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